The collaboration means that customers will be able to find and purchase Wiha’s tools on KlarPris!
Wiha offers a comprehensive range of premium quality tools, manufactured in a state-of-the-art production process, characterized by a user-oriented innovation policy, superior ergonomics, safety and longevity. You can read more about Wiha here.
“Wiha is one of the favorite tool brands in the industry. Therefore, we see it as a core task to support our partners in getting the message about the good properties of our products out to the end users. That’s why we have chosen to cooperate with KlarPris.” – Morten Andersen, General Manager, Wiha Nordic A/S.
The partner program is for wholesalers, direct suppliers and manufacturers, and offers a number of advantages when selling and promoting products on KlarPris. All partners have the opportunity to choose from a number of services, thereby tailoring a value-creating program for themselves. You can read more about the program for wholesalers and direct suppliers here, and for manufacturers here.