Get pricing transparency so they can save time, money and resources and thus optimize their business.
Get a sales platform where both current and potential customers are buying their materials.
Can brand and promote their products while getting customer insights to optimize their efforts.

1. Upload your data

Whether you are an installer, a wholesaler or a supplier you start the same way: By uploading the relevant information to the system.

Installers will via an easy setup connect their wholesaler account to the system.

Wholesalers and supplier will on a continuous basis upload their price files.

The algorithm calculates net prices

The system’s algorithm will take the information provided by wholesalers, manufacturers and installers and calculate the installer’s net prices.

Because the system is based on big data and customer patterns, it can predict what kinds of products the installer is looking for, as well as show related and alternative product suggestions.

3 options for optimizing the purchase

When actually buying the products, the installers have the following options to optimize their purchase:

Best purchase” takes all factors (e.g. shipping) into account to show you how to optimize the purchase.

“Cheapest purchase” shows the installer where to buy products at the cheapest prices possible, not taking any other factors than price into account.

“One wholesaler” shows the installer where to place the order in case he/she only wants to use one wholesaler.

Everybody wins


  1. Save time and money when buying products
  2. Have price transparency in the market
  3. Have an easy and effective invoice control
  4. Become more competitive with their prices and can thus make better offers



  1. Can brand products and the company
  2. Have access to advanced statistics and customer insights
  3. Can carry out campaigns and activities to increase loyalty
  4. Can create campaigns and sell certain products directly via the system



  1. Have a simple and effective sales platform
  2. Can brand their products and the company
  3. Have access to advanced sales statistics and customer insights
  4. Maintain the customer relationship (as opposed to when using other systems / platforms)