Wholesalers and suppliers

As a supplier or wholesaler, you get access to a number of benefits when KlarPris becomes part of your distribution/sales strategy. Among other things, you get a unique insight into installers’ buying behavior, and the possibility of lead generation.

To the right is a selection of current wholesalers and suppliers in the KlarPris Partner Program.

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As a manufacturer, you can market your products directly to installers using KlarPris. Moreover, you can brand your products with logo and can sell the products that your suppliers/wholesalers do not include in their product range directly in KlarPris.

To the right is a selection of current manufacturers in the KlarPris Partner Program.

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We work with these companies

We offers various forms of partnership with companies within the construction industry. To the right is a selection of current partners.

If you are interested in getting more information, please contact Simon Uldall, Head of sales.

Contact Simon Uldall