Wexoe, Denmark
“We are very excited about having started this partnership with KlarPris, and the initiative is fully in line with our strategy of selling installation products through the wholesalers. With the partnership, we get the opportunity to enrich our product information and at the same time an opportunity to market our quality brand”
Pettinaroli, Denmark
“We work intensively to create quality-solutions for everyone in the Danish plumbing industry. We have done this for over 40 years, and with this partnership we expect far more visibility in the market, focusing on quality, service and easy accessibility”
Thürmer Tools, Denmark
“KlarPris manages to support both wholesalers and manufacturers and that is unique. They understand the interplay between the two parties, and at a time when Amazon and similar platforms are knocking on the door, it’s important to choose your teammates carefully. We have done that with KlarPris”

Product Highlights

List of alternatives

With the list of alternative products, you can match your own products with the most purchased products on KlarPris. Once your product has been matched with a popular product, it will come up as an alternative when a customer searches for the popular product. This will increase your visibility.

Logo and Branding

All your products will be showcased with your logo so customers can easily recognize your products. This will increase your brand awareness so you can maintain a top-of-mind position among customers.

Business Intelligence

With our Business Intelligence, you can see which of your products are sold by the wholesalers, and how many they sell. You can also see where your products are sold geographically and gain insights into your market share – both overall and per product category.


For the first time ever, it is possible for you to get your own webshop! If a customer clicks on your brand in the system, the system will convert into a shop that only showcases your products. This means that customers can browse through various categories and only see your products.

When they add products to the basket and finish the order, it will naturally be sent to the wholesaler.

In the light of globalization and digitalization, nothing is more important than breaking through the noise and making customers aware of your products.

KlarPris gives you access to more than 2000 installers that buy products every day, making it a powerful branding and awareness platform.

We are always happy to talk to potential partners, so if you are interested in branding your products via our systems, please contact our Head of Sales, Simon Uldall.

Simon Uldall
Head of Sales
Want to promote your products via KlarPris?
Contact Simon Uldall for more information.
Contact Simon Uldall