New features to optimize your purchase


The new feature will launch start December 2018.

Below, you can get more information about each of the new features. 


1. The company’s preferred products

This feature enables you to make a purchasing policy and everyone in the company can follow and understand. You simply mark the company’s preferred products with a star, so everyone in the company knows which exact product to chose the next time they are buying products.


2. Customer prices

Customer prices will tell you what your customer has to pay for the given product if buying it online. With this insight, you can set the price just right and thus complete with the online shops. This means more money and fewer unsatisfied customers.


3. Business Intelligence

Trade analysis: This will show you what and how much you have purchased, and the cheapest and most expensive price you have paid. The analysis will also show you how much you could have saved if you had made the best purchase every time, giving you insights into how you can improve your purchasing going forward.

Purchasing behavior: This will show you whether your employees are buying products online, via the phone or in a physical store. Moreover, the analysis will also show you how this behavior is affecting your profit.

Supply report: This will collect all the purchases you have made across all suppliers. Moreover, it will convert all item number so you can see just how much you could have bought at each of the suppliers. This means power when negotiating discount agreements with the suppliers!


Note: These features will initially be available in Denmark, and only for customers with one of the following subscriptions: Standard, professional or enterprise.