We are expanding the team! Please welcome Kim Fuglsang and Ole Have Büchert

From the left: Kim Fuglsang, Simon Uldall, Ole Have Büchert.

Kim and Ole will manage the daily contact with KlarPris’ customers and will be responsible for Jutland and Zealand / Funen respectively.

The team is expanding due to an expansion of KlarPris’ ever-growing product range. In the beginning, KlarPris was only intermediating product sales between wholesalers, electricians and plumbers. However, in the future, the industry will be able to find products within AV & IT, spare parts, appliances, timber, locks/alarm/monitoring, and more product categories are still to come.


“It’s the right time for us to expand the team. There are new product categories coming to KlarPris, and we can already feel the impact of this on the sales go through KlarPris, and in the increase of new customers. Furthermore, KlarPris has been developed by craftsmen for craftsmen, so it has been important for us to hire people with industry experience to guide and advise our customers. I am absolutely sure that Kim and Ole will create value – both for our customers and for KlarPris. ”- Simon Uldall, Sales Director, KlarPris.


About Kim Fuglsang

Kim comes from a leading procurement function in Bravida with special focus on project procurement. This has given him a great deal of experience with procurement efficiency, especially related to projects, which will benefit both existing and new KlarPris customers. Kim will be responsible for selected KlarPris customers in Jutland.


About Ole Have Büchert

Ole comes from a position at Lemvigh-Müller where he works as a Category Manager. Moreover, Ole has extensive experience with change management and implementation of new workflows. He has sold quality assurance systems to craftsmen for many years and has helped craftsmen implement organizational changes. Ole will be responsible for selected KlarPris customers on Funen, Zealand and the nearby islands.